What is Simp Coin?
We pride ourself in the tokenomics and the community of $SIMP. Simp coin is a currency that gives its holders a vast majority of rewards and is built to be


Frequently Asked Question's

5% redistributed to holders
This gives incentive to hold by giving passive rewards just by holding.
5% added to liquidity
This will ensure there is enough liquidity for everyone to buy or sell as they please.
Liquidity locked
This will provide extra security measures against "pulling the rug"

don't cover yourself in bathwater just yet...
we are just getting started...
Road Map:
Phase #01 :
(Currently in Phase# 01)
- Launch $SIMP
-Start multiple meme communities
-Launch SOTM ( Simp Of The Moth ) where the community will send videos in of people down bad and decide who will receive $1,000 in $SIMP, and SIMP merchandise.
-Phase 1 marketing
-Launch SIMP merchandise
Phase #02 :
-Launch SIMP NFT's that will be sent to holders for free and will be able to be resold
-Phase 2 marketing
-Big news TBA...
-Reach 25,000 members in the Telegram
-Reach 45,000 followers on Instagram
-Large exchange listings
Phase #03 :
We are releasing Phase #03 as soon as we move on to phase #02...

How To Buy
Now available on pancake swap!

Contact us
let us know any question, concern, idea, meme, etc... we will try our absolute best to read and reply to every email sent our way!
You can also get in contact with us on one of our social platforms.